Love, Joy, Peace...
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Mailing Address
Your Phone Number (Required)
We won't call you unless you request us to and we won't give your number to anyone else.
I am a (Required)
choose one of the following
I am currently
Any other family members?
Please tell us the names, relationship, & ages of your other family members
Would you like to receive notifications from Talmo Baptist about what's going on at our church? (Required)
Talmo does send out email notifications and text reminders occasionally to certain groups/individuals to keep everyone informed about what's going on in the life of our church.
I would like more information on the following
How to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
How to become a member of Talmo Baptist Church
Food Bank Ministry
Sunday School
Youth Ministry
Children's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Men's Ministry
Music Ministry
I am making a decision today to
Tell us what decisions you have made today.
Trust Jesus as my Lord and Savior for the very 1st time
Be baptized
Rededicate my life to Christ
Respond to God's call to serve in ministry